What are the benefits of a paid subscription?

Unlock the amazing potential of your entrée software and your employees at the same time!

  • Unlimited Access

    No expirations!
    All courses and content are always available - use your desktop, tablet or smartphone. Soak it all in and enjoy watching and learning at your own pace.

  • Employee Training

    Do you have new employees? Let them watch our introductory videos for quick and easy onboarding! Ready to dive-deep? Our comprehensive courses with security settings and system options are here for you!

  • Need More?

    Take a look at our course breakdown below. Don't see a course you need? Just send us an email and we'll be happy to create it for you. Add us to your VIP List: [email protected]

Courses and Content

Lessons broken down into bite-size videos for your convenience

Course Number of Lessons/Videos included in PAID Subscription Number of Lessons/Videos included with a FREE Account*
 Accounts Payable, Introductory
Alert System, Zoom Class 1
Assign Routes, Zoom Class 1
Auto Generate Purchase Order 3
Bank Reconciliation Utility, Zoom Class 1
Brand Maintenance, Comprehensive 10
Buy / Get Feature, Zoom Class 1
Cancel Cash Receipts & CC ACH Refund, Comprehensive 6
Cash Receipts, Comprehensive 11 1
Class Maintenance, Comprehensive 9
Closing the Month/Year, Comprehensive  6
Comment Maintenance, Comprehensive 4
Contact Manager, Comprehensive 7
Create / Change Invoice & Credit Memo, Comprehensive 34 1
Create / Change Invoice, Introductory Crash Course 1 1
Credit Card (CC) / ACH, Zoom Class 4
Credit Card (CC) / ACH Refund, Comprehensive 6
Credit Hold Features, Zoom Class 1
Customer Account Inquiry & Confirmation Email, Zoom Class 1
Customer Cost / Price Utilities 4
Customer File Maintenance, Comprehensive 45  3
Customer Recalculate Utilities 2
CTC Cloud Hosting Webinar, Zoom Class 1 1
Cycle Count, Management & Manual, Zoom Class 1
Dashboards, Zoom Class 1
Data Conversion Import Guide, Instructional Template 11 11
Electronic Order Pad (EOP) , Zoom Class 3
Enter Weights Utility, Zoom Class 2
entrée.DOC, Comprehensive  5
entrée.EXPRESS, Customer Start-up Guide 1 1
entrée.EXPRESS,  Mobile Order Entry, Zoom Class 1
entrée.NET, Comprehensive, Zoom Class 19
entrée.PAY, Introductory  1 1
entrée.QB / QuickBooks Linker Overview 2
entrée Version 5, Sneak Peek, Zoom Class 1 1
External Cash Receipts, Redesigned, Zoom Class 1
Food Distribution University, Basics, Comprehensive 5 5
Food Distribution University, Q & A, Zoom Class
1 1
Food Distribution University, Tour, Zoom Class
1 1
Future Price Global List, Redesigned, Zoom Class 1 1
General Ledger, Introduction  1
General Ledger, Setting Up, Comprehensive 25 3
How to Setup a Customer 5
How to Setup a Salesperson 5
How to Setup a Vendor 5
How to Setup Different Types of Items 6
Inventory File Maintenance, Introductory 12 12
Inventory Recalculate Utilities 2
Item Shortage Adjustment, Zoom Class 1 1
Labels, How to Create, Comprehensive 5
Manufacturer File Maintenance, Comprehensive 6
Merge Invoices, New Feature 1
Modify Group Pricing Utility, New Feature 1
Multi-Warehouse / entrée.MW, Zoom Class 1
Order Import Consolidation, Zoom Class 1
Physical Adjustment, Redesigned, Zoom Class 1
Previous Balance Entry Utility 3
Price Levels in Inventory File Maintenance, Comprehensive 3
Pricing Hierarchy, Comprehensive 22
Purchasing System, New, Introductory  4 4
Purchasing System, New, Top 10 Features  10 10
Proof-of-Delivery / entrée.POD, Zoom Class 1
Proof-of-Delivery / entrée.POD Version 2, Overview 3
Reassign Utilities  5
Receive by Date, Redesigned, Comprehensive 2
Receive by Item, Redesigned, Comprehensive 5
Receive by Purchase Order, Redesigned, Comprehensive 11
Reporting System, entrée, Zoom Class 1
Salesperson/Broker File Maintenance, Comprehensive 14
Scheduling Utility, Zoom Class 2
Search Screen, Auto-Complete, and Quick Search, Comprehensive 8 1
Security Management 1
Statements & Letters of Dunning, Comprehensive 5
System Preferences 28
Term Maintenance, Comprehensive 4
Tracking Items by Lot 4
Update Utility, System Maintenance & Backups, Comprehensive 6 1
Vendor File Maintenance, Comprehensive 16 1
Vendor Order Guide, Zoom Class 1
Warehouse Management System, Reveal, Zoom Class 1 1

454 63

*Most FREE courses expire 14 days after enrollment. 

FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to pay to create an account?

    It is absolutely FREE to create your own account and we highly recommend that you do so! This will allow you to browse all the available content and watch some free courses and videos for a limited time-frame.

  • What courses are paid versus free?

    Great question! Above is a detailed table of all the available courses in Food Distribution University. We broke down how many lessons and videos are in each course. The paid subscription has unlimited access to all courses and content. The free subscription has limited access for a limited time-frame. Most free courses expire in 2 weeks, giving you 14 days to finish watching the videos and content.

  • Are the ZOOM Classes Paid?

    It is FREE to join all of our very popular Zoom Classes on the live date - just be sure to register accordingly! If you missed the class, don't worry, we post a recording of the Zoom Classes here in FDU and we send you an email once it's posted.

    In order to re-watch the Zoom Class recordings you need to have an FDU subscription.

  • I have more questions, how do I get an answer?

    We love questions! Please email us at [email protected] and we'll be sure to get back to you within 24 - 48 business hours!